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your wedding dress


We are witnessing some of the worst humanitarian crises of our lifetimes, but none of us are helpless. As part of our ongoing, everyday commitment to human rights, A Day in June is giving away a wedding dress to raise funds to support all people affected by the crisis in Gaza and Israel, as well as victims of the devastating earthquake in Afghanistan. The winner can be from any location in the US and may choose a dress and/or accessories from our shop, up to a value of $2,500.

How it works

Step 1 - Donate

Read the terms & conditions, then donate to an approved organization (see below) in increments of $5. 


Every $5 donation equals one entry. (So $10 = two entries and $100 = twenty entries.) Enter as many times as you want, and enter for anyone you want - yourself, a friend, or even a total stranger!

Step 2 - Verify donation (& share it!)

Send a screenshot of your donation to us on Instagram @adayinjunebridal or via email at Then share the contest to help spread the word and increase donations!

Step 3 - Wait for drawing

Watch our Instagram live at noon EST on Monday, October 30 to see us pick the winner.

Donate now

Approved organizations

Terms & Conditions

Terms & conditions of contest




US residents - The drawing is open to US residents — you do not have to be local to us (although we’d love it if you were!). And yes, if you win, we will ship your dress to you if you cannot come pick it up. For those who are not able to come see us in person, we are working to update our website to ensure that all of our current stock is listed on our “Dresses” page.


You can enter for yourself or on behalf of a friend/family member. If you’re entering for someone else, simply write their name in the “in honor of” area of the donation form, and make sure you also note the intended recipient in your forwarded message to us.


Even if you already have a wedding dress, you may enter in order to win a second or reception dress. The contest applies to our shorties/party dresses too!




No cash value - The contest has no cash value. This prize is for existing ADIJ wedding dresses and/or accessories only, and it cannot be exchanged for compensation in full or in part. If the winner selects a gown that has a price of less than $2,500, the winner may select accessories to reach the total value of the prize, but A Day in June will provide no monetary compensation because this prize has no cash value. If the winner selects a dress above $2,500, they will pay the difference between the prize value of $2,500 and the ticket price of their selected gown. 


Excluded brands and dresses - Catherine Kowalski wedding dresses are not included in this contest. Gowns that are on a 48-hour hold for another ADIJ client at the time of the winner's appointment are excluded. A Day in June also reserves the right to exclude specific gowns at the request of individual donors. 


NO RESELLERS - Profiting off of the pain and suffering of Israelis and Palestinians is extremely gross. Don’t do it. We will not hesitate to take any and all actions available to us if we find that you have entered this contest for the purpose of reselling a dress. 


No refunds on past purchases - If you’ve already bought your dress with us, we will not provide a refund if you win the drawing. But you may choose a second dress or reception dress (we have some great shorties!), or you can bring a friend to get their dress from us instead! 


Prize does not apply to alterations - The cost of alterations is not included. The winner will still be responsible for the full cost of alterations to their wedding dress.




The winner must select their gown within nine months of the date of the drawing.




If you win a gown, but decide not to wear it, we ask that you donate it back to us. 


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